Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rollin’ with Nick Cannon: Trust In a Relationship?

With Nick and Mariah Carey's big revelation on 20/20 on Friday night, there’s been a lot of talk about what Mariah said about the amount of trust she has for Nick – which I didn’t take to be that serious because that’s how a lot of wives and girlfriends are with their significant others. It’s a cheeky, snarky way to be endearing without seeming so mushy.

According to Sarah Lee, who watched the segment an unprecedented SEVEN times, there was tension and beef because of what Mariah asking Nick if she could trust him which is an odd question for a wife to ask a husband so I guess Sarah was rubbed the wrong way about that one!

Either way, at the end of the day, the battle continues on whether or not the twins are going to college or to super stardom or even both! We’ll just have to sit tight and wait!

Here’s how it all went down on the show!


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